I came to work at your company as a Driver. From my simple knowledge of the Industry, I knew the 10%ers (Or as they are known as CAA, ICM, et. al) always started at the bottom of the companies from the mail room and moved up. When I started, your Avatar in Human Resources (Hereinafter known as "Your Avatar"), never knocked my College education or ability to think around corners.
But every time I engaged Your Avatar about the process of "Moving up," It seemed there was no plan or, as I figured out later, there was no plan for me. I mentioned in this post, the people who treated me well at your company. Shouldn't Your Avatar or her Minions been among those cited?
My disease was under control until the gap when there were no extra drivers between November-December 2007. As my mind flailed (and I was listening to Your Avatar and one of her Minions at the Front Desk say I need not go to a Therapist, even though she was HR and he had no Medical experience), my inner support fell. Internal controls buckled. What filled in it's place was a movie (It is the Industry, after all): Southland Tales. By the way, those six weeks ended on my Birthday -- Deecember 16. No attaboys. Nothing special.
When I take a job, even if it is not in my field, I hope to be able to improve myself, either by funds brought in or ability to get closer to my goals. Your company had a DC office. I inquired and was never given any headway into following up. I didn't have enough money or time or ability (due to my father's death) to move up or out of my current situation. And I wasn't supported by Your Avatar (who was also my supervisor).
Where were you during this time? Everytime I brought up something I thought that could help the business, I was told you were feeling "Fair to Middling," And to hell with my help.
When I had troubles with deliveries, if I asked for help, Your Avatar or her Minions never provided it. And I kept falling until March.
More to come.