The news from CPAC10 was not good regarding the Southland Fundraiser/Great Right Wing Hollywood Blogger Meet Up. (RS told me on Monday) It put me in a serious funk.
The only person who doesn't get the implications is Chairman Nehring, who is the same age as me, yet according to RS, "...doesn't know shit about the potential of the new media," Aminoff gets it, RS gets it. But both Aminoff and McCain are older then Nehring and I. Yes, Chairman Nehring and I are both 39.
Think on that before you donate to the California State party right now.
And if you make that call, that is Lobbying. Leave a comment if you do.
Here is a suggestion if you Blog in the 49 other states in the union, this is a way to break outside the box:
1) If you are a Blogger, find the activist who is doing the most for your community politically.
2) Use Your Blog to help out the local activist win in different area. In other words, write what you know of your local area and your theory on how to win. This can be your city or county or state or all three.
3) Get the other local Bloggers to help your local activist in other forms, such as speech making and fundraising.
4) Do your local event, win every November.
And now that you know how to turn your Blog into a weapon, let's go Gothing:
Free zone for conversation on this post. Let me know if you call.
President Obama: But we talked in Baltimore, (looking at teleprompter) you have no new ideas.
Sen. McC: We have ideas, but with the Democrats doing reconciliation, there is no need to be here. If you want to listen to our ideas, stop the process. Can you do that Mr. President?
1) The Nation; 2) Time (Home of Joe Klein, Liberal suck up); 3) Newsweek (When don't they publish the Obama Administration meme of the week?) and 4) The Economist(Here I must say: Whisky tango Foxtrot?!).
So, contrary to the MSM, Government is not broken, the filibuster is not being abused, it is the intellectuals of the left don't know how to deal with the car salesmen of the Right. There was no give by Speaker Pelosi or Majority Leader Reid. And President Obama still does not know how to pick up the phone and cold call for a vote.
Back in SUNY - Stonybrook, I took a course by Michael Barnhart about the History of World War II. He said a line that stuck: If you want to live forever, work in High Level Government Jobs. That was a metaphor as we were dealing with pre-FDR Presidents and cabinets, some of the same names popped up again and again.
During the Harding/Coolidge and Hoover Administrations, some of the same men keep on appearing in the cabinets. There was a sense of continuity. FDR picked up people from Woodrow Wilson's Administration and from his time as Governor of New York. President Truman had some of the best minds who fought the Hun in World war II and even Republicans helped out the low polled President.(Another reason of the dearth of Gray men in the Democratic party ranks: what Democratic Senator supported in word and deed, a low polling Republican president?See, the Democrats put Party before Country)
This pattern continued all the way up to 1977. And then it returned back in 1981. And then it stopped in 2009. See a pattern?
Now, if you read the title, I'm sure you're asking, Who or what are "The Gray Men?" if you're a UFO geek, then it might mean this.
But for the political world, "The Gray Men," are those men and women (post 1980), who have experience within the Political and Policy realms at State and Cabinet level. Grey Men are the only people who can say "NO," to a sitting president and are listened too. Men and women who work at the High Level cabinet offices of the State, DoD, CIA and NSA are also considered (in retirement) to be "Gray Men,"
That is why Nixon was rehabilitated and Agnew was not. President Clinton with his Global Initiative is following the same course.
When President George W. Bush chose Vice President Cheney, he chose a "Gray man," When Clinton had as an advisor David Gergen, he was a "grey man," James Baker, Condi Rice and Don Rumsfeld are all Grey Men. I know I feel secure if they are advising a president. With the death of Alexander Haig, Washington loses one more piece of wisdom.
President Obama and his cabinet and his staff have no way of winning the American Public since the campaign. There are no Grey men surrounding him. Again, a Grey Man telling President Obama "No," would have been the best thing. Seriously, Rahm Emmanuel and David Axelrod are partisans, not statesmen. Any Gray Man would tell President Obama that there is a by-sell date for blaming President Bush and by 1/20/10, he was long past it.
Tonight I celebrated my Mom's Birthday (Yay Mom!) (and it's also Malcot's Birthday too!), so I've finally been talked down from the walls -- the thing is the San Fernando Valley Fundraiser/The Great Right Wing Hollywood Meet Up is being discussed offstage. At CPAC.
First, read all of RS' s and Smitty's great work at CPAC (1,2,3,4,5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 21, and the American Spectator Articles A, B). Except for Gary Aminoff and I (both of us in Sunny LA), the speaker of the event, Robert Stacy McCain, Chairman Nehring and his chief of staff Matt Schumsky were all offstage and at CPAC.
What happened? I'm still waiting on news. I'm ready to put this together, just let me hear the words "You're hired," Say a prayer if you got it.
If you want to help me get to CPAC next year, I encourage you to hit the Tip jar ($100, $200, $300, $400, $500). Or even if you like the writing in the Valley. While I wait (on multiple things), it can't hurt
And of course, why Goths on a Friday Night? I've been to a new club to go with the other two -- It is called Ruin. The same place Malediction is located, that's where Ruin is, just a different night. The music rocks, the women are beautiful and the mood dark. Highly recommended.
Let's go to part 2 of How to Go Goth. Enjoy!
Consider this an Open Thread. Talk about anything.
Unlike many of the Democrats in the White House today, Former Vice President Cheney knew how both branches of Government worked. And he also knew and understood Foreign Affairs. Compare Cheney with Biden, how many Executive Agencies did Biden run?
If the Obama Administration was really filled with political geniuses, Cheney would have been co-opted by last March. Quote Nelson Muntz of The Simpsons: Ha-ha!
The reason why I like Vice President Cheney (I saw him in one of the House of Representative Hallways in 2003), is he knows the jobs of a staffer and an elected offical, he stands for what he believes in. If Cheney says something on Sunday, he will tell you the same thing on Tuesday -- that is something this current White House cannot do.
So, three cheers for the Cheneys!
My question: What do you like about Former Vice President Cheney? Or what do you like about Vice President Biden?
Unlike other Bloggers and activists, I understanding winning the election is part of the battle (which is one reason why President Obama and the Democratic majority is failing), Governing is the other part of the game.
So for all the Libertarians, Tea Partiers, Conservatives and Republicans, here is 25 Things that we do when we Govern (Note: If I put a (C) that means Congressional Action, if I put (E) that means Executive Branch action). Ready, go!
2: Force the Democrats to vote on three separate Bills citing the three American foreign policies (Wilsonionism, Nixonianism, and Isolationism), so that by the next Republican president, they are on the record supporting one foreign policy. (C)
6: Write laws keeping Taxes and Government control away from the Internet. (C) Republican President appoints members to the FCC keeping the Internet, tax and Government free. (E)
8: Support the Intelligence Agencies with budgets that matter, giving the agents overseas free reign to do what they do best, protecting them from prosecution from a future Democratic Congress or President. (C) Support the Intelligence Agencies in deeds and words. (E)
12: Any corrupt Conservatives or Republicans, throw them out of Congress, ASAP. Not like Speaker Pelosi. (C) Same rules apply for the Executive Branch. (E)
14: The Republican Congress supports American allies, especially those who have Democracy and Free Trade. (C) The next Republican President continues to advocate for Wilsoniansism. (E)
16: Streamline the Presidential Nomination process-- if the Republican Congress makes it easier for Presidents, those presidents will campaign for a GOP Congress. How to streamline? Nominate in first month, background check in second month, Congressional Committeee in the First week, Third Month, Senate Votes Third week, third month. (C) Streamline nominations process. (E)
17: When a Republican White House is elected, shut down the Press gallary for three weeks after Inauguration day. Interview every reporter who will be there and ask three questions before credentialing: 1) What three policies of the last Republican president did you like? 2) Which Republican, outside of Republican Administration, do ou like and why? 3) Name and detail the different branches of Conservatives and Republicans. After questions, a better, more informed press corps. Also, invite Bloggers (see Blogroll) to be part of press corps. (E)
18: De-fund any Federal Government Branch that is not helping the people in your district. (C) Cut Three Federal Agencies, budgetary problems get easier. (E)
19: As we on the Right are fond of bringing things back to the States, begin the process of disestablishmentarianism. (C) (E)
22: Go over what Taxes are being levied on the public. Then get rid of the old ones, and don't make new ones. (C) (E)
23: If America can rid the world of one more Dictator, make it law so the President (or future ones) can act. See the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (C) Stand up to Dictators and help fix failed States so people can thrive, live and trade. (E)
24: Until Democrats apologize for the way they treated President Bush, Senator McCain and Former Governor Palin, make no deals. Their words mean nothing (C) (E)
25: Hire me to work as a Legislative Director on the Hill! (C) or Hire me to work in the next Republican President's Chief of Staff office. (E)
My question: Should anything be added or taken away?
If you read through my posts, you will see that I will fight for Conservatives and Republicans. My rules are simple, (Read Tip O'Neill's book for details):
1) Stand for what you believe; 2) Call out the wankers on the other side, and 3) Always, always, always, protect your friends.
And this message is for Andrew Breitbart: The Workers Front Party (a political front of ACORN) went after my friend Alexandra in NYC. Sic your Big Government reporters on that.
So this is my one and only warning to the New York media: Leave the Chartiers and Hevasis alone. And if you work in New York City, hire Alexandra Chartier, she is a quick learner and great worker. If you need to contact her about a job, email me.
And if her dad ever wants to come over to the Right, I will always keep an open door.
My question: Has friendship ever trumped partisanship?
It is time to filter out the candidates asking for your money and the right to visit New Hampshire and Iowa in 2012. The Valley will help you save your funds for candidates who can win.
Even though I've already endorsed, that post was just my declaration, these posts are to help guide your way.
Now, why should Former Governor Romney not get your money or vote for 2012? Let me count the ways.....
2) His coattails do not go beyond Massachusetts. His State organization helped Senator Scott Brown. Can you name any candidate from the other 49 states that Governor Romney put into office?No? Neither can I.
3) When it came time to stand up for other Republicans under fire, he was silent -- nor can he fight back. I talk of the investigations by Dan Riehl and Robert Stacy Mc Cain into the funding of Liberal Alaskan Bloggers using the ethics charges against a sitting Governor. (The current Republican Governor of Alaksa has no charges filed against him. Why? Palin was the target).
Also, does anyone know of Governor Romney standing up to the current Administration? Any quotes that have been cited and re-used? Again, he never had to fight. When the Democrats hit below the belt (and they will), can Governor Romney fight back?
Considering the folk I meet at the clubs in Los Angeles, she provides a great service (and if you need a consultant with Microsoft Talent, hire her). Heck, even my Los Angeles mentor was interested in the world of Goth on my Birthday. She provides a nice introduction to the Goth world, so watch and enjoy:
My question: What are the protocols for the subcultures where you hang your hat?
No one said Conor is the next William F. Buckley, Jr. It is not a self-appointing position, you get picked by many in the base and among the Beltway. If there is a Buckley, many Conservative Bloggers and activists will vote you down because of your association with Sullivan.
And Conor, here's a hint: Buckley consistently went after Liberals first, then he cleaned out the Right.What Obama Policy have you attacked recently (and with gusto)?
I said it before and I'll say it again, Andrew Sullivan hates Israel and Jews And Conor stands by Sullivan's every word.
Even though I am a low level Blogger (Conor's words), I have my principles and I stand by them. I stood by them when I was a New York Democrat, and I stand by them today as a Conservative Republican (with a Libertarian streak) from California.
I write about my principles here in the Valley, whether it becomes a popular Blog or not is not my worry, but whether my friends and family around the country (especially in the San Fernando Valley, New York, the Beltway and on the Hill) hear my ideas.
My question: Will either Sullivan or Friedersdorf admit they are wrong? And why is Sullivan allowed to break one of the basic rules of American politics by going after Palin's family?
Jim Hoft is quoted by talk Radio and his words affect the political atmosphere around the country; Thus he is famine.
Pamela Geller stands up to 3 Liberals on TV and still wins. She is also focused on the Islamofacist threat, and the Honor Killings NOW doesn't care about. And she also fights, she is War.
Robert Stacy Mc Cain and Smitty are Plague because RS is a "connecter" with the Right Blogosphere and Smitty also spreads the word. If some news hits the Right Blogosphere,they are there.
So, Ladies and Gentlemen of Conservative and Republican Politics and Blogging, meet your Four Horseman who fight the Obama administration!
My question: Who are your personal Four Horseman in day to day life?
When someone calls their blog "The Moderate Voice" as Joe Gandlesmen, a ventriloquist from San Diego did, you expect moderation. As I discussed in the Kathy Kattenberg post, Liberalism reigns supreme in this so-called Moderate Blog.
First, what is a moderate?
Simple, someone who understands the politics, philosophies and personalities of the Two party system in America and can argue either side. Moderates also say sometimes one side is better then the other, but never stick to one side. Moderates have principles. If they think something is bad when a Republican President does it, then it is still bad when a Democratic President does it.
Trust me, there are no fulminations against President Obama or the Democratic majority at The Moderate Voice [TMV]. But they did attack Pamela Geller. If they attack Pamela Geller, they are no moderates.
None of the writers at TMV voted for President Bush in 2004, none of the writers at TMV defend Republican policies or tactics and none of the writers at TMV ever link to any Conservative Blogger in support.
1) Since Tea Partiers are Fiscal Conservatives, find Conservative Candidates with the following pre-requisites behind them: A) Business owners; B) Republican Party Activists since 2007 (if not before); and C) Willing to Fight back against the Progressives and the Press.
2) Get involved in all levels of the Republican movement, again bringing Fiscal Conservatism to the fore. The tea partiers need an ally or an agent in every State, County and local Republican Party before the summer of 2010. In the San Fernando Valley, we don't have to worry about that. Gary Aminoff stands at the crux of both groups. Go Gary!
3) Run candidates in Primaries this year in your area and next year in local elections. By the time 2016 rolls around, the Tea Partiers should have a candidate to field (unless Governor Palin is President Palin, then adjust said date to 2012).
4) Follow Reagan's 11th Commandment when in public. Lobby within any Conservative or Republican organization to get your voices heard.
I hear you. I am one of you. Let's be heard.
And now, how Former Governor Palin can become President Palin (without spending millions on consultants, only thousands if the Valley is correct).
B) Get to know every Republican County Chairperson from every state (I suggest you say "Hello," to Jane Barnett when you get to Burbank). Learn the strengths and weakness' of every precinct and put those CPAC activists into those districts.
C) Credential Bloggers as part of your 2010 travels, 2011 speeches and 2012 campaign. help them and they will help you with local leads. Watch what happens in Los Angeles this year at the Fundraiser/Great Hollywood Right Blogosphere Meet Up. To see it in action, call up Chairman Nehring and tell him to get it going.
D) Point out the ugliness of Andrew Sullivan and ask the public in each of your speeches, "Do we want to live in Andrew Sullivan's America?" Also read from the post to get the crowd going. Cheers will ensue.
E) Appoint fundraisers for every state after the summer of 2010. Fundraise, fundraise, fundraise using the new media and old school. Thank me later.
F) Bring the Tea partiers into the Conservative and Republican coalition after November 2010. See points 1-4 above.
and finally,
G) Your second book should be policy and American history oriented, something like Nixon's In the Arena.
My question: What advice do you have for the Tea Partiers and Governor Palin for 2010 and 2012?
And since yesterday was President Reagan's 99th Birthday, enjoy this video:
Constituent service is a major part of life up on Capitol Hill. Senator Shelby is standing up for his state; Maybe he spoke to Former Senator D'Amato?
President Obama can break the impasse: all he has to do is lead and compromise. Not just say things, but do the follow through.
But for now, Professor Jacobsen and I will just laugh at the Democrats for forgetting karma. Again.
My questions: Can the Democrats Govern? Were they lying during the last adminsitration about being pragamatists? Or was it only posturing for the camaras?
In the wake of the O'Keefe/Landreiu situation, the time has come to ask, what is Journalism? What embodies a good Political Journalist? And why do Liberals fail at this task too?
During Transmetropolitan, Spider (in backstory) has gone after "the Beast," (a homage to Republican Presidents) and"The Smiler," AKA Gray Callahan (Homage to Liberal shallowness), within the series. In other words, he stands up for following "THE TRUTH," wherever it leads, parties notwithstanding.
The only peer of Spider that follows "The TRUTH" wherever it leads (on a visual sense) is Robert McX. A Conservative.
For a series written in the late 90's early 00's (whose setting is a very Libertine and Libertarian future), it shines a light on a dying industry that does not need to fall.
Let's start with: what is Journalism?
It is following the 5 W's (Who, What Where, When and Why) and communicating what is happening in the wider world and connect it to the reader's locality. The best example is a chase on a freeway at Rush Hour. The 5 W's and how it affects local crime and traffic issues.
So, what is Good Political Journalism?
If a Journalist has a clear eye and ear for differing philosophies, players, and politics within and without each party, then it is the their job to relay, cleanly, what is going on and how it affects the world of politics, policy and the reader.
The best example of Good Political Journalism is a reporter after spending years investigating the Bush Administration, starts investigating the Obama administration. I'm sorry to say, no such creature exists among modern Journalists. Except for the Right.
If you run a campaign in 2010 and 2012 and the Press misrepresents you, cite the above paragraph. Multiple times.
Anyone sending their son or daughter to Columbia University School of Journalism is getting fleeced. They are not teaching their students to go after THE TRUTH. Only truths which don't hit the Democrats and their allies. If Columbia was smart, they would dismantle the school and put in public housing instead. At least the great NYPD would do more investigations then the students.
Spider was a journalist who took on Power whatever party ran the White House (yes, Warren Ellis got some American politics wrong, but he got Journalism right,). Greg Mitchell, Larisa Alexandrova and everyone at Huffington Post sucks up to Democratic Administrations. They are the Court Jesters. They dance to the tune of any Progressive, Liberal or Democrat. Their writing betrays their lack of search for THE TRUTH when the administration has a "D" at the end of their names.
The Right investigates during Republican and Democratic Administrations. Why can't Liberals?
And since I'm a partisan and not a journalist, I have nothing to hide. My words do not betray me.
My question: Which reporter (TV, Newspaper or Internet) is today's Spider Jerusalem, willing to go after corruption, whatever party is in power?
UPDATE 2/12/2010: The Valley never lies. I focused on Larisa Alexandrova because I knew she is not like Spider at all. But she had a good line on 2/8:
But then she spends almost every post not relating to Lost attacking those who attack the State and President Obama(1,2,3,4,5). Her words above mean nothing; She chooses to protect the President and Democrats rather then investigate and question authority. I wonder what Spider would say.
Is Obama afraid of people gambling? Well in almost every state there are Indian casinos (such as the San Manuel in California and the Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut), and in every home there are Online casinos [Note: My late father and I worked on this issue] (such as: Vegas Red and Vegas Casino Online). President Obama is pretty silent about Atlantic City though, hmmmm....
Did Obama lose money in Vegas when he was younger? Or did he liveThe Hangoverfor real? Whatever the case, when President Obama goes to war (against Fox news, against banks, against Republicans, etc. et al), the President usually loses but not before someone gets hurt.
My question is to Vegas residents, present, former., honorary, and upcoming: What can Las Vegas do to protect itself against war by the White House and the Democratic National Committee?And for Non-residents, what does President Obama going to war with Las Vegas mean to you?
Last Friday, President Obama went to his version of the Lion's Den. He went to meet and have a Q and A with Republican Congressmen in Baltimore. Here is the video (and the Transcript):
For all the cheering last Friday by the Left, President Obama had no effing clue what the Republicans believe. How do you wage a battle of ideas when one side (that is Obama and the Left) refuses to understand the other side (that is Republicans and Conservatives)? Mr. President, let me help you: Read this post.
Just because the Conservatives and Republicans don't support Government Run Health Care [GRHC] does not make them any less of an opposition. Why? It is on a Liberal and Democratic party wishlist, not the Republicans. It will rise and fall on the strength of Democrats. You can have 60 votes or 51 votes, if the Left believed in what they were doing, it would have passed last May.
When you study President Obama's background, he never had to deal with Conservatives or Republicans. In Chicago, it's a One Party City(like Los Angeles). In Illinois, he never had any hard fought campaigns in his general election. And come 2008, it was going to be a Democratic party year so the only real opposition he had was from Hillary!
When Democrats, like Steve Benen, say he will only engage in the opposition if they "act," a certain way completely ignores what happened during the last Administration. And Mr. President and Ms. Maddow, you need to start listening here (but you should have read what came before).
Did any Democratic Senator stand up between 2004 - 2008 to defend President Bush and his Wilsonianism? A big, fat NO. If a Democratic partisan stubbed their toe, they blamed Bush. Heck, no Democrat between 2001 - 2008 ever gave President Bush the benefit of the doubt.
So, why are the Republicans voting "No," on anything President Obama endorses? Three reasons:
1) President Obama has a Huffington Post understanding of the Right, or the Right as seen from the Left. Not once has he ever spoken to a Conservative to understand his or her views. I say President Obama should invite Rush Limbaugh to the White House for a week to learn about Republicans and Conservatives. And if he doesn't want to do that, send Gary Aminoff.
2) The Democrats had such a Hate for Bush, McCain and Palinthat unless we hear an apology, the Republicans will never ever support anything Democrats do ever again. Stop blaming Bush and Republicans for everything that goes wrong. President Obama and the Democrats have a large majority, Republicans have nothing to do with it. You want our help and support once in a while? Stop with the Emmanuel Goldsteining of our people and apologize on the White House lawn to Bush, McCain and Palin. Without it, no votes.
3) We don't support the President's views on public policy. As the Minority Party, we oppose. It's our job. Don't like it? Follow the actions listed in #2.
If President Obama cannot get Democrats to vote for his budget, it is DOA -- No Republican House member or Senator should vote on anything but Defense, Homeland Security and HHS. that's it.
My question: Why do Liberals fail to understand Conservatives, Republicans and Tea Partiers? Are we not Americans too?