When I was growing up, it was my Mom who took to the different museums in New York City. It was my Mom who came to the class trips in Fourth grade. She always made great Sunday meals (and when I have a family of my own, I will make sure of the Sunday meals too).
After my Dad died, my sister and I helped my Mom get back on her feet. It took awhile, but she is stronger now then she has ever been. They love her where she works and she looks foward to getting up in the Morning.
She has always been the optimist -- in fact I'd be the first to nominate her for the Tzadikim Nistarim for her (and my sister's) support during the Plague year.
So, Mom, let me wish you a Joyous, Happy Mothers day!
I'll second that nomination. She really is the total embodiment of strength and so many other things. I hope you guys had a great day. Sorry I couldn't handle the day.