When planning out anything, it is best to start with the end in mind. Two books I have read is "The Secret," and "Think and Grow Rich," Both books discuss the idea of having a thought and making it real. Every County should have a party Election Night, it's why we are involved. After fighting on all the battlegrounds, here is what the Endgame looks like:
Election Night 2012 from a County Perspective
1) At 6:00PM Pacific Time, on Television, the Republican Presidential Candidate thanks his or her family, the campaign staff, the state chairs, and local Volunteers. Behind him or her, the staff readies for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave with a game plan lasting Four to Eight years.
2) Either by visit or by Proxies, the State Chairman (or woman) calls the County Chair and asks, who distinguished themselves this election? The List will be provided to the State Chair by morning -- the people who distinguished themselves, be they volunteers or chairs of local committees, should be recognized that night by their County.
3) The County Chair takes the stage and thanks the Assembly District Chairs [ADC] of the area; The Chair follows suit with the Volunteers. Then, the County chair gives up the stage for all the candidates, from Congressional to Dog Catcher.
4) As the Candidates speak, the County Chair makes his or her rounds to all the ADC's, and asks the same questions as the State Chair: Who made a difference this election? The ADC's should have their List ready by the time the County Chair starts his or her speech.
5) The ADC's contact all the local townships before the County party and get names and address' of volunteers and staffers. Before the night is out, contact these people personally to Thank them for the good job they did.
6) All Volunteers, staffers, Committee Chairs, County Chairs, and State Chairs bask in the nights triumph. The next morning, they prepare for the local elections in 2013 and the off-years in 2014.
Everyone who distinguished themselves move up the scale. If a local volunteer does not want to get into the political/policy sphere offer them a ticket to next year's Reagan Dinner (Winter) or Bush Dinner (Summer) [More on those later].
All the candidates should have started from the ADC level, thus giving everyone a chance to see them grow from newbie to veteran. Just because they carry the GOP banner does not mean they know us -- but we should make it a point at all levels that the candidates should have gotten to know us first. Don't believe me? Look at the California Governor. He did know us personally, so he felt comfortable selling the CA GOP down the river.
The key to making all the above happen is money. The County and Assembly chairs should know how to raise it. The more volunteers and professional staff, the more incoming funds. Funds flow to candidates and elections and topped off with the Victory party above.
It can be done!