Pesach is upon us and Easter is coming. Two holidays that talk of rebirth and renewal.
When I was Bar Mitzvahed at the Western Wall, I met a Rebbe who knew my Nana from the same in the Old Country (Formerly Russia, now Ukraine); That was in 1983. At the Wall, I read the first three Chapters of Exodus. It is the story of a large family going home. Moses, Aaron and G-d lead the way.
I am also friends with many people who celebrate Easter, which is the tale of Jesus (the Christian's messiah) who comes back to life to give a message of Love and understanding.
Unlike other Bloggers, I stand for what I believe in and fight for the cause. Someone asks me how I feel about an issue I tell them (Hint: NOT a Social Conservative, but like them all the same). Why thread the needle when you are a Political Blogger? I don't backstab my colleagues in the Blogosphere or in the partisan trenches. (I'm talking to you David Frum) Loyalty is the first rule of Politics.
Because I follow my beliefs, I am pleased to ask my readers to contribute to these two charities:
1) Freedom House - They support the concept of Democracy Overseas. I supported this concept when I was a Democrat. I was very pleased when President Bush took up the cause. So, please, donate to Freedom House
2) Fisher House - Families of wounded soldiers come here and they comfort their sons or daughters who have been wounded. I found out about Fisher House in 2001 and I am pleased of the work they do. Please donate to Fisher House.
My question: What charities do you support? And did you donate to either?
Just a note, I engaged with Conor Friedersdorf on twitter.
All I asked him to do (so I would retract this earlier piece) would be to say (or even better write a post), "Israel has a right to sovereignty, the Jews should have their spiritual home. Andrew Sullivan is wrong,"
I am a Conservative, Tea Partier,and a Republican. I don't like Big Government dictating what I should buy, but I don't like Big anything without checks and balances. For Government, that requires transparency, for business', that requires competition.
Throughout Los Angeles, Time-Warner knows it's audience can go to Direct TV anytime, so they treat their customers better; Charter doesn't care.
I will be (hopefully) doing two moves this year, so I asked Charter to give "basic cable," Now given that California has over 10% Unemployment and many jobs (and residents) are leaving Los Angeles, I would think that a company would do it's best to work with media savvy people who are their customers.
I want Time-Warner, DirectTV and Charter Communications stockholders to hear the answer: N-O. Nope.
Cable is a service that anyone should be able to use (again, I'm not talking HBO, Showtime, etc.), while there is a downturn, while Charter is a Monopoly in a town, any station not a Movie Station should be available to their customers. The basic stations should be that, but in a downturn, people need access to learning, news and information.
Charter, here is a hint: Help your customers help themselves.
As I mentioned, I'm doing two moves. Any company that stands up and treats their customers with respect (like Citibank at Toluca lake when they made a mistake this weekend, they apologized and worked to make it better) will get a shout out.
When there were rumors of the "N word" and the "F word" said to Congressmen crossing through the Tea party protest before the Health care vote, I figured with cameras and audio, the guilty party would be found. Nope. Still no sign.
Democrats are very good at dissent and lousy at Governing. Now that the Right is protesting, the Left is shocked. Oh, and here's a hint for our so-called friends in the media: The Tea Partiers are Fiscal Conservatives. The Social Conservatives lost in 06, and the Fiscal Cons are rising in the party (as are National Security Conservatives).
By pushing through Health care reform, the opposition, who heard Bush and Republicans attacked every which way (Hey, Hollywood! How about a movie where a Conservative politician is a hero! Put it on HBO! Be rebellious!), never forgot what happened before 1/20/09.
And I am privy to the consuls of many Conservatives and Republicans in Los Angeles and in DC, and the one thing we don't care about is what color the President is. In fact, we are very happy that an African American made it to the the top spot. So can the calls of "RAAAAACIST!"
We hate President Obama's policies. I know I would buy him a beer and ask him: Whisky tango foxtrot, what do you believe in? And why don't you support Bibi? (but the latter is another post). For the left, it is easier to stereotype the opposition then engage. It's hard, but last I checked we all speak the same language, some with really different accents, but we all love this country.
Now, about that quote on top....that's from my favorite Goth song by Chameleons UK, "Swamp Thing" We are in a new era, the economy is still sluggish and taxes are rising. And the Left feel they can still demonize the opposition while they hold the power of Government. The Left are THE MAN. President Obama is THE MAN.
The next line in the song is "Stop staring at the ground," So Democrats and Liberals, Govern, don't point. Do your jobs.
The walls are crumbling down, those who are smart will not be in the way.
How to stop the cycle? I've already said,President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Majority leader Reid go to the South lawn of the White House and apologize how they treated Senator McCain, Former Governor Palin, Former Vice President Cheney and Former President Bush and promise not to do it again (and mean it), things will cool down.
That effin simple.
Before I post the song, a question: With the heated rhetoric after the health care Bill, what can the Democrats do to cool down the American Body Politic? (Note: read the top, the Democrats opened the door to the rhetoric they are hearing today, so yes, it is laid at their feet)
Government Run Health Care affects me personally. To get this post, it helps if you read these next two stories: The Plague year (describing my disease) and Shaking the Disease (describing how Medi-cal failed and Sean Hannity helped).
Part 1 is how the Democrats failed; Part 2 is how the Conservatives and Republicans can win on this field.
If you read Shaking the Disease, you understand how the California State Budget, already in crisis needed those who couldn't, to do with less. I had to make a Devil's choice. I gave up my pills for 4 1/2 months because Medi-cal could not function under the State leadership. Now, they want to make it Federal?! Whisky tango Foxtrot!
Not only do I understand politics and winning elections, but I understand policy too -- specifically, the federal budget. The Federal Government runs more deficits then surpluses. As we on the Right have been asking, where is the money going to come from? Cui Bono?
Right now, business' are scarce and after this law, will jobs too? With no tax base, how will the Government function? Or should we all say Hello to Big O (Brother)? Gilliam's Brazilis becoming reality under this administration.
And as everyone knows on Sunday Night/Monday Morning, the Democrats won on a party line vote (without the Conference Committee):
There was bi-partisanship against the health care Bill.
When you have extreme majorities in the House and Senate and you're arguing process, you lose. The American public distrusts Big anything (Government, Unions or Business, but the list goes on...), so to do it without following the process (again, where was the Conference committee?) that has been laid down opens up the Democrats to charges of corruption (Cornhusker Kickback or Louisiana Purchase, anyone?). Corruption destroyed the Congressional Republicans in 2006; Never forget Karma has her own way with history and hubris.
The Democrats won. And only the Democrats. If it was really about the uninsured and the pre-existing conditions (plus Tort reform and Insurance Company portability for the Republicans), the Bill would not have been more then 50 pages in both the House and the Senate (if they wanted a "Clean Bill,") And they could have gone to the scary Conference Committee.
But almost 3,000 pages? It wasn't about the sick or the uninsured, it was about the Congressional Democrats giving President Obama a "win,"
My question: Do you feel healthier with this Health Care Bill (which starts in 2014)?
Part 2 is next.
UPDATE 3/26/10 11:22AM PST: Part 2 will be written between next Sunday - Tuesday. Read and subscribe.
5. While this is going on the Floor, negotiate with the "Blue Dogs," and the Stupak 12 for votes against the Bill -- By hook or by crook, STOP THIS BILL AND SAVE THE REPUBLIC!
By this time, it should be Midnight on Monday. When the coalition of "no's," have been achieved (make sure House Whip Cantor works his tail off), call for a vote.
Hope this helps, pass this post around the Hill. Reinforcements are on the way after November.
My question: What other tactics can be used to stop this bill? (I would have supported the Health care reform if they only made it less then 10 pages and focused only on the uninsured, the Democrats didn't, so no support from me).
And this song should get the members on the Hill ready to Fight (yes, Tom Morello is a Leftist, but as he sings, "Whatever it takes,"):
This is going to part of a continuing series leading to June 8th, Primary day in California. This post is for the Governor's race; the next Endorsement post will be for the US Senate; There will be a post endorsing one Republican per Congressional seat, and repeated in the State Senate and State assembly seats. OK, all ready?
Then, I took my trip down to San Diego and Poizner answered my question and then asked for my vote. Twice.
In Los Angeles, Steve Poizner showed up to two meetings I went to, the SFVRC and the LAGOP. Again, he asked for my vote. A Whitman partisan fired some hard questions at Poizner and he volleyed them back. With a smile. All the Whitman partisan managed at the SFVRC was to anger those who would have been interested in voting for Whitman. Whitman hasn't shown up at the SFVRC and answer the hard questions.
This is politics, not acting -- the only way you win in elections (especially in primaries) is asking the active partisans to vote for you and answering their hard questions. The current Governor has never shown up at a LAGOP or SFVRC meeting before elections (or during). His name can be found on IMDB, thus he was known before he ran. If Meg Whitman is trying the same strategy, it will not work.
Hint to all Whitman partisans: She cannot run TV ads without coming to the meetings and answering questions from the active partisans. This is known as "vetting,"and the current Governor did not do that. Poizner is doing the hard work.
And if Whitman wins, she will lose against Brown. Why? Brown, unlike Whitman, knows to ask for votes and take hard questions. And if Poizner wins the primary, I wonder, will Whitman campaign for Poizner?
She hasn't shown up at any meetings to answer these questions. Also, at any meeting in the Los Angeles area, you can find Poizner's people ready to answer questions. Not one Whitman partisan has asked for help, support or our votes.
I'm going to be there, heck, why not have the First Offical Valley of the Shadow Meet up there. Or if you email me or leave a comment tell me where you think the first Los Angeles meet up should be.
If you know where RUIN/Malediction is, I'll be there. Hope you will be too.
Right now, my life is in the hands of musicians. Those who have my Cell phone number know exactly what that means.
Here is some music by Charly and many of odd nature. Enjoy!
The Xtacles weren't the smartest of cartoon sidekicks, but they were funny -- but for some reason, the Democrats seem to be doing a great imitation of them. Let's watch the Xtacles in action:
Why are the Democrats afraid of the Conference Committee? If I was a Republican House and Senate member, I would bring up in every speech.
And if the sausage making process includes the Self executing Rule, we on the Right can say in this election: Democrats are afraid of the American people -- they refused to take it to Conference committee. In fact, whether it was the Cornhusker Kickback or the Louisiana Purchase, the Democrats have done everything but try to win over people to vote for it. Again, why?
Let's see the Xtacles do something right, that is if the Democrats bring the Bill to Conference then vote on it in each chamber:
My question: Why are the Democrats afraid of following correct procedure with the health care Bill? Why are they afraid of the Conference Committee?
During my lifetime, Democratic Administrations (Carter, Clinton and Obama) seem to focus on domestic issues better then international ones.
However, every Democrat who is in the White House believes, on sheer will alone, that they alone can change the dynamics between Israel and the Palestinians. Hint: Not one of the Presidents mentioned made life any more "peaceful," for the Israelis.
Fort all the talk between 2002 - 2008 on how talking will help with America's enemies, why is being instrigint to an ally (and this isn't the first ally President Obama has done this too -- Look at the UK) part of the Obama Administrations modus operandi?
"Smart Diplomacy," is costing America allies -- will no one tell President Obama "No, you cannot insult our allies,"? Both President Bush's (pere and fils) built coalitions against Iraq, when has Obama built a coalition in his life?
So much has changed and so much remains the same. I am now even more firm in my beliefs as a Jew. I still believe in Wilsonianism and even stronger in my defense of Conservatives and Republicans.
The Valley has grown through many iterations:
1st Iteration: Speaking into the wind and marking many deaths;
3rd Iteration: Defending my words and having the Valley turn into a meeting place between Jason, Aurora, Malcot,Chessnovice and I. Yes, I miss those days sometimes;
4th Iteration: Discussing the 08 Primaries with Jason;
5th Iteration: The return and the beginning of the Beltway links (Thank you Dan Riehl!);
6th and current Iteration: I, as the only Conservative Jewish Goth Blogger TM and my words affecting the Beltway, either on the Hill or hitting the target (Sullivan and Friedersdorf). Linked by great Bloggers from the East, Midwest and West Coast and using the Valley as a clearinghouse for the Southland Fundraiser. I enjoy this version too.
Because of the Valley, I will be meeting Mr. Schumsky, chief of staff to the Chairman of the California Republican Party this week to discuss the Southland Fundraiser/Great Right Wing Hollywood Blogger Meet Up, my role in it and at the Magnolia Office.
Personally, I enjoy writing policy posts; But during election years, playing politics is prolific in the Valley. Outside of the Blogosphere, I would love to work in Politics and Policy full time (I am arranging a "Moneybomb" for a candidate out here, more details later), especially on Capitol Hill, Lobbying or a Think tank.
My question: Which posts and iterations did you enjoy reading? What do you hope to see here?
So, to harken back to those early days of the Valley, here is a song from 2006, "Dani California," by the Red Hot Chili Peppers:
Rahm Emmanuel is a former Congressman who works as Chief of Staff for the Executive Branch. There are places to lobby for a vote (and allow face saving as well), but not the Congressional gym. There are offices on the Hill Rahm and his staff can occupy while the House members do their thing, but by breaching the privacy of the House Gym (where staffers cannot go), President Obama is trying to build a parliamentary system, not a separation of powers.
That is one more step to the Unitary executive that Senator Obama said did not belong in American politics.
And the attack on the Supreme Court Justices during the SOTU? How dare the President, again, break with the Constitution. Justice Roberts has a point. The Justices (and anyone else President Obama goes to war with) are not stick figures, but actual live human beings. If he didn't want to be criticized, maybe he shouldn't have run for the job of POTUS.
I wonder what Senator Obama would say about President Obama's attacks on the separation of powers.....
My question: Who was right? Former Rep. Massa and Justice Roberts? Or Prsident Obama? Why or why not?
As you know, I am working on a dual project: The Southland Fundraiser which Gary Aminoff's group, the San Fernando Valley Republican Club, will sponsor the speaker of the event and the Great Right Wing Hollywood Blogger Meet Up which, Gary, Robert Stacy McCain and I are trying to get State party support.
I contacted Matt Schumsky yesterday to help lay the groundwork for Chairman Nehring's support. My initial call was at 3PM, he said call back at 6. I followed directions, and left a message at 6PM, no reply at all.
Now, since Gary, Robert and I are all Party Men, we want to sit down and discuss the pros and cons at the Magnolia office with the Chairman. One thing that should not be too hard is a return phone call. One of the points not mentioned on paper is that, for the Bloggers, it will be useful to find sponsors. Whether it is Hotels and Airlines. Or, my idea, contact Google.
Does Mr. Schumsky and Chairman Nehring not return calls to sponsors? We are all Party Men, and we want to give them the publicity that comes with the event, the question is why are they scared to try something new?
When you deal with Bloggers, be prepared for publicity. I would rather write here that the Chairman discussed it and said "Yes," but until that point, it gets discussed here. Robert is ready to publicize what happened at CPAC when he discussed it with them, only Gary and I have told him we want to give the State party one more chance.
Tomorrow night, I will be at the LA County meeting to discuss this with Gary Aminoff. And during the day, I will be speaking with RS.
Mr. Schumsky, Mr. Chairman, your move.
UPDATE 3/11/10 12;22PM PST: I just got off the phone with Mr. Schumsky. On Monday between 10 and 11AM, I will contact him to set up the meeting at the Magnolia office. The meeting will take place next week
My question: In the next Republican Administration (since Democrats do not believe in Democracy overseas), which country should Democracy spread to and why?
The Health Care Bill should go to Conference Committee then the finished Health Care Bill goes to a vote in both chambers. If both Majority Democratic Chambers passes the Bill, it goes to President Obama's desk to be signed.
For the Democrats and the left to thread the needle over this Bill, means again, the Democrats don't trust the public or their colleagues. Are the Democrats so insistent on a win that they want to bypass their chambers own rules?
I actually received this email from a reader, so let me give you the short, dirty version:
I fell in unrequited love with a girl I liked from Ruin/Malediction. Through a new friend, I reached out and said "Hi," Even wrote some dark poetry to her too.
My outstretched hand met a closed fist, so I was down :{
But I made a friend whose band I will promote in the Valley on occasion :}
Regarding the Southland Fundraiser/Great Right Wing Blogger Hollywood Meet Up, I heard from Ron Nehring on Facebook. I said I would stop mentioning and tweeting his name if he would set up a meeting at the Burbank office. Still waiting on his reply.
And with Gary Aminoff and Robert Stacy McCain, we are discussing another route if Nehring and Co. are blind not to accept the proposal (but I hope he says "Yes,")
Also, I will be talking with a candidate about doing some fundraisers for him (more news Friday). Since I'm in a Gothy mood tonight, here is a song by Depeche Mode: