Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good candidates and Bad candidates on Primary Eve

First let's dispense with the bad candidates:

From CT: AG Blumenthal lied (See the memeorandum spread) about being in Vietnam; He was a veteran, he just did not participate in the war. Because AG Blumenthal is a Democrat, he remains in the camapign (unless someone "Torricelli's" him)

From IN: Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN) cheated on his wife with a Hill Staffer (another Memeorandum spread). Because he was a Republican, he resigned. Expect a special election before summer ends.

Now the good candidate:

Of course, he is based in Los Angeles and I know and respect him: Ari David for the CA-30th Race (does anyone have polls on any races in Los Angeles yet?). He tried to put an iPhone App for his campaign against Rep. Waxman and Apple rejected it! Gateway Pundit covered this too. Donate to Ari's campaign so they can fight the Machine!

And now, Primary notes from around the country:

KY: Rand Paul won. Hopefully, he is better then his father on the Jewish State.

PA: Toomey wins, Specter loses and PA-12 goes Dem (Thanks to Robert McCain for giving us the news!)

And as always, keep reading the Valley for California Primary news.

My question: Whom do you support for your primaries?

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