This post came across the transom from my Political mentor, Gary Aminoff:
"Most of you are unaware of the inner workings of the politics of The Republican Party of Los Angeles County (RPLAC). Some of you have signed up to show your support for the so-called “Freedom Slate” of the 42nd Assembly District on Facebook or on their website, I thought you should be informed as to who they really are and what their real expressed intent is.
"Leading the “Freedom Slate” is Rick Williams. Rick Williams is the attorney representing Robert Vaughn. Robert Vaughn is the person erroneously holding himself out as the “Chairman” of RPLAC, and is currently running a shadow group calling itself RPLAC. Robert Vaughn is also the person suing RPLAC and its Executive Board members personally through Rick Williams. The lawsuit seeks a gag order against the elected RPLAC board and also seeks to prohibit them from calling meetings of Republicans in Los Angeles.
"That lawsuit is costing the LA County Republican Party tens of thousands of dollars, just to oppose the lawsuit by filing a motion to strike it as a “SLAPP” – strategic lawsuit against public participation. We understand they are now about to file a motion to enjoin the elected RPLAC Board from calling itself RPLAC, and possibly taking other action on behalf of the party. How many more tens of thousands of dollars of county party money will that cost?
"That is money that should be going to support our Republican candidates to get elected in Los Angeles County, and instead is being used to pay lawyers to defend us in a frivolous lawsuit handled by Rick Williams. We haven’t even gotten to court yet, so the total cost will be much higher. How critical would those funds be today if we could spend them on candidate support, purchasing slate cards, helping with lawn signs and other candidate support, instead of spending those funds on defending lawsuits or getting frivolous suits thrown out?
"You might be wondering how Robert Vaughn and Rick Williams got to know each other. Robert Vaughn was the Los Angeles Chairman of the Ron Paul for President campaign in 2008. Rick Williams also worked on the Ron Paul campaign. Rick Williams’ law partner is the former State Chairman of the California Democratic Party."
Now if you are consistent reader of the Valley, I always talk of coalitions with the different parts of the Republican Party, from Social Conservatives to the Libertarians (1, 2, 3). What the "Freedom Slate," is doing is attacking Republicans determined to win back Los Angeles in a very good year. Any Republican candidate that loses in Los Angeles (Congressional, State Senate, State Assembly) this year should sue the "Freedom Slate," for working for the Democrats.
I surround myself with intelligent friends. Aaron Proctor is a Libertarian who "gets it," He talks of making alliances with Republicans and Conservatives. Heck, he even talks about it in the third section of the Podcast I was on. If you are a Libertarian, listen to The Proc school you in the Old School. What is "the Freedom Slate's" excuse?
And if you are a reader of the Valley since 2007, you might have read (in full) The California Encyclicals. The Boyds who threw away a gimme mayoral Election should be forced to pay for not fighting for Los Angeles. Their karmic payment: Put down the funds (in full) for the Reagan Museum Southland Fundraiser Event and expect not one dime back. Any success from the Southland Fundraiser they can claim, but nothing before 2008. (The Boyds can speak to Gary Aminoff about their Karmic debt to Los Angeles activists)
Here is what else Gary wrote:
It is my belief, along with many others, that the Freedom Slate is an attempt to gain control of the Republican Party of Los Angeles County through the back door. If they can get enough of the Robert Vaughn group on the 42nd AD central committee, it will give them a foothold to take over the Party. This is not just conjecture. It is a stated objective on their web site.
Further, the so-called Freedom Slate is coming from a place of intolerance. Rick Williams has been heard to comment at RWF meetings he has spoken at, that it is time to remove the gays from the 42nd AD central committee. Rick may be unaware that West Hollywood – home to many gays, Republican and Democrat – makes up a substantial part of the 42nd Assembly District. Is he saying that West Hollywood should not have representation on the Central Committee? The following is a comment from an article Rick Williams wrote which appears on their website:
“Four of the incumbent candidates are special
interest advocates-- interested in only the single issue of advancing the cause
of gay marriage. Well . . . with all due respect to our four incumbent friends,
the issue of gay marriage ranks pretty close to the bottom of the political
priority list in a time where the state of California and the city of Los
Angeles are bankrupt, and good hearted people are losing their jobs and their
homes in an avalanche of economic collapse.”
"This type of rhetoric is an attempt to disguise an intolerance for gay Republicans. I sit on the 42nd AD central committee and work with its members. While there are a handful of gay members on the current central committee, I can tell you that the furthest thing from their mind is gay marriage. They are not single interest advocates. I have not heard the words gay marriage once during any central committee meeting in the past year and one half that this central committee has been active. These men are more interested in loss of liberty, economic concerns, employment concerns, getting Republicans elected, and preventing the enormous expansion of government. Hurtful rhetoric from “freedom slate” candidates reveals their true agenda."
I am a Social Libertarian, which means: If there are two consenting adults over 21, they can do what they want together. Heck, I'm a Goth and certain parts and people of the scene go off the beaten path (no you do not get a link here, sorry). If anyone from that scene says "I like the GOP," I would welcome them in.
I've met and supported Dan Blatt of Gaypatriot. His endgame is the same as mine, Freedom for Americans and for people overseas.
The Old School knows, Elections are about addition not subtraction.
Since Jane Barnett has taken over the LAGOP, she has pushed every candidate to reach out and get the votes and support. She does not stint in her effort to make Los Angeles Red, if the "Freedom Slate," cared about winning in Los Angeles, they would rescind the lawsuit and back her.
Simple, for the "Freedom Slate," it is not about victory for Republicans in Los Angeles, but about Robert Vaughn and Rick Williams.
For the next LAGOP meeting I want to put this up to a vote:
1) BE IT RESOLVED that any Libertarian who supports "The Freedom Slate," will be Blacklisted from California politics until such time as decided by the Executive Staff of the CAGOP.
2) If any Los Angeles Libertarian wants to help Los Angeles become Republican, we will accept them.
3) For those who are on the "Freedom Slate," unless they work on throwing Andrew Sullivan out of the United States for going after the family of a great Republican, former Governor Sarah Palin, they will be Blacklisted in Los Angeles.
The Old School comes down to loyalty to your allies under almost every circumstance (the Boyds have a record of not showing loyalty, they must earn it). I am loyal to Gary Aminoff and Jane Barnett. Even though I am a Social Libertarian, I am disgusted by the Libertarians in Los Angeles betraying their principles of "Live and Let Live,"
The only person of the "Freedom Slate," who I trust is David Hernandez. I will have a private conversation with him and Gary before his "moneybomb," comes up. He has done more good things for Los Angeles then the whole Freedom Slate has ever dreamed.
My question: Are you wiling to step up and help Jane Barnett and Gary Aminoff of the LAGOP? Donate here.
In fighting like this is what is going to hurt as Conservatives and Libertarians (or Conservatarians like me) post November-2010.