Sunday, August 16, 2009

Welcome. Music. Woodstock (1969)

This is the first Post-Plague year introduction to new Blogs in the Valley. Here is an example of what came before.

There is also a new music director of the Valley. His name is Mark Hernandez, a Chicago kid and and music lover. He is still in the process of moving North to Sacramento (by taking advice I gave him on my worst day), so today's music is my choice.

Even though I'm a Conservative Republican activist (with a Libertarian streak), I also go to Goth clubs. This tune, by Chameleons UK, is a perfect Goth song. It is called "Swamp Thing," How can you not groove to it in the dark?

If you see your Blog on the Blogroll and never had the Welcome, contact me. If you want to be on the Blog Roll, send me your an email and your link and I'll see if it fits. Now, let's say hello to these Blogs in the Valley. Visit and comment on them. We bloggers live on compliments and readers (Tip jar hits too!)

The first Blog up is Another Black Conservative by Clifton B. based in new Jersey, he tackles Political and Social issues. And Clifton B. is the first on the case of Obama Administration when they do wrong. He is also on the front line against the corruption of the New Jersey Democrats. If the New Jersey Republicans do not promote him (or his Blog), feel free to call them idiots. Clifton B. found me on the Blogger follower section, great promoting tool for us Blogspot Bloggers. He just started Blogging this year, read and link him.

Our second Blogger is The Crack Emcee who Blogs at the Macho Response. I first discovered him by reading his comments at the Valley's Godmother's Blog, Althouse. (If you click on Create Blog, like I did on Althouse, you get a Blog too). The Crack Emcee writes about Art, Individuality and Liberal hypocrisy. He is iconoclastic and in your face. Heck, he would get the free link because of his smackdown against the Althouse troll (the troll still has not responded). But his writing is interesting and worth following, so the Valley is happy to link to The Macho Response. Read and link.

Stogie at Saberpoint is another Conservative Blogger from the Bay Area. He comments everywhere. A solid Conservative, his writing is crisp and also fun to read. Read him and link him.

The last Individual Blogger to be mentioned is Octobia. She has a non-political, cute Blog. She has commented under the rules I've laid out, and she also was very patient while her comments were in the queue for a month (Nor did I Blog last month, so it wasn't personal). If Octobia wants to know how I treat Blogger opponents, all she has to do is contact Jason. She gets the link because she does not disrespect her opponents. Others on the Left can learn from her. If you are non-political, her Blog is worth reading and linking to.

Now for some group Blogs:

Conservatives 4 Palin -- they are on the cutting edge of Former Governor Palin news and views. Keep on eye on this Blog, the future is now (and it comes from the North). Read, link and support. The Palin train is rolling and you do not want to be under it.

Two magazine Blogs; The Weekly Standard and The American Spectator. Two magazines that are written by and for Conservatives. You can't understand us unless you read them Does anyone know how I can write for either of these magazines or Blogs?

And the Valley recommends visiting Chessnovice and Malcot's Blogs. They were two early supporters of the valley. Don't forget Jason and Donald. These are all early commenters who have Blogs. Read and enjoy.

And finally, the video portion of the program. If my late father had not visited Woodstock to see the Who, he would never have gone back to work with mud up to his ankles and gotten a date with my Mom. So this video is in honor of Woodstock (and free concerts!). Enjoy and visit these Blogs.

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  1. Anonymous10:34 AM PDT

    Andrew, I just wanted to thank you for the link and the kind words. Even though we're miles apart politically, I think we might be on the same wavelength in other arenas.

    Hope things are going well for you.


  2. Octobia,

    You're welcome! But the name is Joe (hence JSF).

    Just remember, treat your political opponents how you want to be treated. The cycle always turns.


Welcome to the Valley! Please comment about the post and keep to the subject.

There is only one person (JSF) keeping track of comments, so as long as what you write is civil and close to the purpose of the post, you will see it.

Keep this in mind: Politics should not be Personal; then you have a place here.

Write! History will remember your words!


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