Because it is Politics, the Heat of the summer burns even brighter.
First, let me introduce you to a map of the 45th Assembly District (CA):
The Valley from Sherman Oaks west is very Jewish; As someone who lived in the Valley, yes, I know. I even have relatives on that side of the 405 (parts of Ventura blvd are just as Jewish as Fairfax Blvd in the city). To deny the Valley's Jewishness is to deny Los Angeles as a haven for upcoming actors and musicians.Heck, the former chair of the San Fernando Valley Republican Club is Jewish and knows how to fight in the San Fernando Valley. Check to see who he backs.
Playing the Political Game under the Prop 14 rules, the game is to get 50% + 1 to not have a runoff. However, to get a Republican in the runoff, we need someone who has played the Outside game.
What is the Outside Game? Visiting everyone from all Political stripes and getting their support. Ms. Shelley has done that and more. She has ben endorsed by the Right (Howard Jarvis Group of Prop 13 Fame) and the Moderates (Los Angeles Daily News) and the common businesspeople of CA-45 (I've read her endorsement list, its staggering).
She is a fighter, a doer and a thinker. We need candidates of her quality to represent Los Angeles in Sacramento (Dare I say, of all Political Stripes?). And she is a people person, that goes a long way in making deals to making sure Californians are not burdened with any more taxes.
Here is Ms. Shelley in a debate at the SFVRC:
And here is the Howard Jarvis commercial:
There are three reasons the GOP has a hard time winning in a winnable city like LA:
1) People cannot get over their losses and move on -- you lose a cycle, everyone should act like football players at the end of a game (post-primary and Post-election - exception: High Level staffer from POTUS and Governors' campaigns who cannot keep promises) and fights against the Left period. Anything else personal BS. I heard from multiple sources of a person doing this. No names here. But this person must move on or the Valley will be lost. There are more cycles, more election. She wins, everyone wins.
2) No one is reading and adapting to the Demographics. Social Conservatism will not win you in the City or the Valleys of Los Angeles. What works in LA will not work in the Inland Empire or Texas. Or to quote Speaker Tip O'Neil (again): All Politics is Local
3) No candidate in the Assembly race has built any coalitions. To win ANY Political race, coalitions are needed. Ms. Shelley has ably performed that goal.
On September 17th, if you live in the 45th AD in the West San Fernando Valley, Vote for Susan Shelley!
Fractured Legalese: JSF is a member of the 50th GOP AD. He is doing this Endorsement individually and solely without consulting or lobbying anyone else of the 50th AD GOP. This is JSF's Endorsement and no one else.
Joe as usual is giving you the truth about the SFV. Please help support Susan Shelley. If she were the only Republican in the race she probably would be the winner with 50% plus one vote but there are always spoilers. People who call Ms. Shelley a spoiler just do not know the district Susan Abato