Friday, February 26, 2010

How to Go Goth, Conclusion

The news from CPAC10 was not good regarding the Southland Fundraiser/Great Right Wing Hollywood Blogger Meet Up. (RS told me on Monday) It put me in a serious funk.

But between Wednesday and Friday of this week, I spoke with both Robert Stacy McCain, again, and Gary Aminoff. Both men are behind the project and both men see the potential to help take over the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles with it.

The only person who doesn't get the implications is Chairman Nehring, who is the same age as me, yet according to RS, "...doesn't know shit about the potential of the new media," Aminoff gets it, RS gets it. But both Aminoff and McCain are older then Nehring and I. Yes, Chairman Nehring and I are both 39.

Think on that before you donate to the California State party right now.

If you want to help, call up the California Republican Party at 916-448-9496 on Monday and say "I love LA! I want to be at the Southland Fundraiser that Gary Aminoff and Robert Stacy McCain backs. Will Chairman Nehring join us?"

And if you make that call, that is Lobbying. Leave a comment if you do.

Here is a suggestion if you Blog in the 49 other states in the union, this is a way to break outside the box:

1) If you are a Blogger, find the activist who is doing the most for your community politically.

2) Use Your Blog to help out the local activist win in different area. In other words, write what you know of your local area and your theory on how to win. This can be your city or county or state or all three.

3) Get the other local Bloggers to help your local activist in other forms, such as speech making and fundraising.

4) Do your local event, win every November.

And now that you know how to turn your Blog into a weapon, let's go Gothing:

Free zone for conversation on this post. Let me know if you call.

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1 comment:

Welcome to the Valley! Please comment about the post and keep to the subject.

There is only one person (JSF) keeping track of comments, so as long as what you write is civil and close to the purpose of the post, you will see it.

Keep this in mind: Politics should not be Personal; then you have a place here.

Write! History will remember your words!


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